You are Your Own Standard of Beauty “WE ARE ALL SNOWFLAKES”

I don’t understand why this generation is not content with how we look naturally…. Well let me not say this generation.. Let me say people in general, because from my research apparently people have been “altering” how they look for years..

Allllooottt of people alter how they look if its from waist training to plastic surgery. I doont get it… Like why change how you naturally look?

Let me start with waist trainers or “corsets” ….. 

Why would we bring them back when they disfigure the body?

The idea for waist trainer came from the 16th century, but became more popular in the Victorian Era or the 19th century. Women would wear corsets underneath their dresses. Here’s a little history …(excerpt from Wikipedia)

The corset as an undergarment had its origin in Italy, and was introduced by Catherine de Medici into France in the 1500s, where the women of the French court embraced it. This type of corset was a tight, elongated bodice that was worn underneath the clothing.The women of the French court saw this corset as “indispensable to the beauty of the female figure.”

Stop right there….

“the Beauty of the female figure” what is the beauty of the female figure? Who has decided what the beauty of a female figure is? ( another excerpt from Wikipedia)

Each society develops a general perception of what an ideal female body shape would be like. These ideals are generally reflected in the art and literature produced by or for a society, as well as in popular media such as films and magazines. The ideal or preferred female body size and shape has varied over time and continues to vary among cultures. but a preference for a small waist has remained fairly constant throughout history. A low waist-hip ratio has often been seen as a sign of good health and reproductive potential.


EVERYONE is beautiful. Every color, every shape, every height… width and whatever else they use to measure beauty.. I think its completely ignorant to have a most beautiful woman or man in the world. Because once there is a “standard” like that, people begin to compare themselves to that person and if their features don’t match they are assumed to be ugly..

But that is completely ignorant.. There are 7 billion people on this planet and you mean to tell me that 95% of the most beautiful people in the world are from the western Hemisphere (according to People Magazine)??

That literally makes no sense I’m sure there are sooo many beautiful people that have never been seen or aren’t being broadcast by the media. These people have probably never used plastic surgery and are beautiful naturally..  Personally I feel like there shouldn’t be a People Magazine’s Most Beautiful People in the world both male and female..


1. they use the same people over again

2. Most of the people are celebrities or models (so only celebrities are beautiful, if your not one, you are ugly) ( I hate being ugly.. lol jk)

3.They haven’t seen all of the people in the world to even make such a list

4. Most of the people on that list have used plastic surgery in one form or another

People Magazine should just STOP the list all together. Because there are a lot of impressionable people that think they are ugly.

But there is NO standard of Beauty.. Society has just tried to make one.

My question is…

When did we stop thinking for ourselves as people? When did it become OK for other people or “society” to tell us what is beautiful? Why cant we think for ourselves .. Human beings are soo spoon fed, especially this generation.. we know nothing for ourselves, everything is given to us, implied upon us,  we don’t seek to know the truth ourselves…

Do you want to know what the truth is?

The truth is that you are beautiful, no matter what. The truth is ALL body shapes are beautiful.. There is NO standard of beauty, if you see yourself as beautiful then you are beautiful. Who is anyone to tell you, that you are not beautiful? Even if they are too blind and too stupid to see your beauty, you shouldn’t allow that to make you feel like your not beautiful.

As Eleanor Roosevelt once said

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Now plastic surgery (the actual reason I’m writing this blog)  

A famous YouTuber and blogger one that I respected and kind of related to on a cultural front, recently got plastic surgery. Now, she’s an adult and a married woman so by “society’s” standards its OK for her to have done it. ( compared to if a younger person , someone that’s like 17 or 16, did it.)

But to me I’m kind of disappointed. She is one of those people who say be you. See yourself as beautiful, all shapes are beautiful.. Yadd yaddy yahhh

But I’m like if all that is true how come you couldn’t see yourself as beautiful.

Why go and make your boobs bigger. People always say they get plastic surgery done for themselves.. But if that were true, no one would do it..

Do you think Kim Kardashian got her boobs done because she was thinking of herself?


she got them done because she wanted to be society’s definition of sexy and that’s why she got her gargantuan butt too..


Not because her mind is stimulated from it, no she got it done because people will SEE her and think she is beautiful according to “society’s” standard of beauty.

I mean can you even see your own butt??

(You can, but you would have to turn around and even then you still wouldn’t see it wholly or you could use several mirrors and…. do so much  or take a picture.. either way your butt is behind you..)

Your just worried about what people see when they look behind, you so you get fillers so they see a big butt…

I mean what made you think your  butt was flat or your nose was ugly unless you compared it to someone else’s..

STOP comparing your body or your features to someone else’s we are all SNOWFLAKES

No two alike

There is no else with the exact genetic material as you (unless your an identical twin, then you are your own level of awesome)

We are all unique if its a crooked nose, a square body shape, slanted eyes, flat butt, small breast, big nose

These are all factors that make us unique as  INDIVIDUALS

Embrace your individuality. 

Be you that’s beautiful don’t alter the natural masterpiece that’s you

Work your big nose (I know I do), work the features that make you unique..

Don’t see them as something that impairs your beauty, see them as something that adds to it.

GO OUT and embrace your SNOWFLAKENESS


There is nothing more BEAUTIFUL than someone who is just themselves! Be you! Embrace you because no one else will if you don’t.


***** Disclaimer

Doesn’t mean there aren’t days in which you don’t  feel you look your best. There are days when everyone feels ugly.. But just know that on those rare days (because they should be rare and if you feel you look ugly consistently or daily then you need help and you should do some soul searching.. change your mindset.. take time apart, look in the mirror and find at least 5 features that you have and if you saw them on someone else you would love. Then realize that they are on you and you are awesome because your you..) just know that your soul is beautiful and let your personality make up for what you feeel like your lacking..

A smile is ALWAYS beautiful (even if you have crooked teeth)

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