

My name is….. irrelevant.

Why am I starting a blog?

Because i think too much…. The Endmind_vomit_by_ohcheye

Ok… How are you going to start a blog if you can’t communicate properly? sighhhhhhhhhh

I’m usually not the type of person who communicates my thoughts with people other than my family. I’m more of a listener. But I have so much to say so this is my outlet. My brain has so much in it, so many thoughts about life about everything. These thoughts usually keep me up at night….. So no more late nights…..  Freedom?!? Right? Hopefully?

This is not a professional blog, so no grammar police, please.

Ok if you really do care to know who I am? And other stuff about me I will have another post on who I am. As I continue writing this blog I hope you can see glimpses of who I am and my character through my words.

But back to the blog.. In this blog I plan on addressing things that people only talk about at home among their family and close friends. Things people are afraid to talk about or cover up… Everything and I mean EVERYTHING.. From sex to politics to religion…

I originally wanted to start this as a YouTube channel “Gracespeaks”.. Buuuuuut it was too much work.. the recording and editing .. The creating witty puns that will make people want to subscribe.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaand my little brother is a YouTuber.. most of his friends he met on YouTube .. so if I came on YouTube it would intimidate him because of how fast I would gain subscribers and I’m so awesome his friends would want to hang out with me instead….. no I’m just joking… but I really didn’t do it because some of the stuff i would talk about would make him lose subscribers and friends because he’s associated with me.. SOOOOO now “Gracespeaks” is a blog. YAY!

I hope that you enjoy my blog and that what I discuss doesn’t scare you away.. But most importantly I hope you keep an opened mind ….


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